Star of the Week: Kelly M.
Here is a little Kelly trivia....Kelly was unable to be in the BrightStone Christmas Program this year because the day of the performance she came down with the chicken pox. She was very upset, as it is her time to shine with her precious little voice. She kept saying to her mom she was letting everybody down. Kelly is doing great now and tells us her Brightstone favorites are glazing ceramics, playing basketball, learning activities on the computer and helping cook lunch. Good job, Kelly!

Star of the Week: Kate Snow
Miss Kate is a BrightStone girl. She never wants to miss any of our acitivities and is very caring about all her friends. She watches out for everyone and always tries to help out when she can. Kate seems to enjoy everything we do at BrightStone, but she tells us her favorites are working in mixes, shopping, learning activities oin the computer, playing basketball and helping serve lunch. We are proud of you, Kate!
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