Friday, November 19, 2010

A Very Special Turkey Day

Our wonderful, sweet friends and neighbors at APCOM donated over 60 turkeys to BrightStone this week - one for each BrightStone adult and one for each staff member. We kept the gift a secret until the turkeys arrived – everyone was so excited when the surprise was revealed! Thank you, APCOM, for being a great neighbor. We are all so happy with our holiday gift!

See a few photos from the day below, then click here to see an album with even more pictures!

Stars of the Week (11/19)

Stars of the week this week are Katy B. and Mike.

Katy is a busy lady around BrightStone. She does a good job as a quality control inspector for some of our jobs. Katy is also great at cheerleading some of her co-workers to stay on task. Katy says her BrightStone favorites are painting pots, stretching exercises, bowling and learning activities in the learning lab. Good job, Katy!

We have some real country music fans at BrightStone and Mike is one of the biggest. Mike is a people person and really enjoys working with all of his friends at BrightStone. He told us his favorite BrightStone activities are painting pots, going to the library, computer activities and playing basketball. Way to go, Mike!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Stars of the Week (11/12)

Stars of the week this week are Jessica and Barbra C.

Jessica is a very friendly lady with a great smile. Often times when she is complimented she will say, "I am adorable" and she is! She is a great help in the kitchen and is a good shopper. Jessica says her BrightStone favorites are working in mixes, going to the library, playing basketball and saying the prayer before lunch. During her leisure time, she enjoys eating at Red Lobster and playing with her dog, Daisy. Way to go, Jessica!

Barbra is always easygoing and happy. She is a people person and really enjoys being with all other BrightStone family. Barbra does a great job and takes pride in her work. Her favorite BrightStone activities are working in mixes, learning activities on the computer, helping cook lunch, playing kickball and going to the library. During her leisure time she likes to watch Dancing with the Stars and eating at Outback. Good job, Barbra!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Stars of the Week

Stars of the week this week are Allen Jordan and Jennifer Pewitt.

Allen comes in every morning with a huge smile and is very happy to see his BirghtStone friends. He gives all of his work his best effort and is very proud of his accomplishments. While at BrightStone, Allen's favorite activities are working in mixes, shopping, cooking and working puzzles. In his leisure time he enjoys watching The Dukes of Hazard, eating at Red Lobster and listening to his church choir. Way to go, Allen!

Jennifer is a very busy young lady and a people person. She always shows great care and concern for her friends at BrightStone. Jennifer is skilled at all of our jobs and activities, but her favorites are working in the mix room, stretching exercises, learning activities on the computer, shopping and helping cook lunch. In her spare time, she watches Full House, listens to Keith Urban and enjoys going to the Titans games. Good job, Jennifer!