Monday, August 30, 2010

BrightStone birthdays

Happy (belated) birthday to Jenny, whose birthday was on the 18th, and to Cathy, whose birthday was the 17th. I'm sorry to say we don't have any pictures from Cathy's birthday celebration -- pictures from Jenny's birthday are posted below. We are so glad to have both of these wonderful ladies here at BrightStone!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

HCA Agency Day

HCA hosted its annual Agency Day on August 24th to encourage philanthropy and give area nonprofits a little extra exposure and an opportunity to gain support. HCA employees got to give "coins" to the agencies they liked the best....BrightStone's coin bowl was full to the brim! Thanks to those who contributed their coins, and thanks to HCA for inviting us to Agency Day!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

BOWLABILITY raises over $48,000

Bowlers, sponsors, volunteers, staff and "cheerleaders" came together last Monday and Tuesday nights at Franklin Family Entertainment Center for the second annual BrightStone BOWLABILITY. Teams competed for fundraising awards and bowling recognition. SO MUCH FUN WAS HAD! Read more about the high scorers and fundraisers at this link:
OVER $48,000 was raised for our adults with developmental disabilities!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lunch at APCOM

Some of our students and staff were able to attend a lunch at APCOM on Friday. They hosted a cookout for all employees, and invited us! Hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken wings, potato salad, chips, drinks and ice cream! YUM! They were collecting donations to support their BOWLABILITY team. What a great idea!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Check out our new BOWLABILITY video!

You can also see a higher quality version on YouTube.