Friday, December 17, 2010
A Merry BrightStone Christmas with Santa
Today we partied BrightStone style - with good food, games, great friends, and Santa! See a couple of pictures from the day below, then click here to see a whole album.

How Much is that Doggie in the Window
Another excerpt from last evening's performance, featuring a surprise till the end!
Christmas program
Friendship Waltz
If you missed BrightStone's Christmas program last evening, here's an excerpt from one of the selections, featuring a dance by staff and students.
Christmas program
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sarah's Birthday "Speech"
Sarah recently celebrated her birthday at BrightStone. She prepared a little "speech" to share with everyone. Make sure you listen to the end to hear Philip's response of "We love you"! It will make you smile!
developmental disabilities
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thanks to the Antique Automobile Club!
The Battlefield Region Antique Automobile Club of Franklin presented BrightStone with a donation today. We are so grateful for their support!

Sunday, December 12, 2010
BrightStone closed Monday, 12/13
BrightStone will be closed Monday because of the snow. Everyone be safe and enjoy the beautiful snow God sent our way!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Stars of the Week
Star of the Week: Tara
Tara is a hard-working young lady who takes pride in her work. She is a loyal friend who shows care and concern for everyone at BrightStone. Tara never wants to miss BrightStone and says her favorite activities are working in mixes, shopping, learning activities on the computer and cooking. Good job, Tara!
Tara is a hard-working young lady who takes pride in her work. She is a loyal friend who shows care and concern for everyone at BrightStone. Tara never wants to miss BrightStone and says her favorite activities are working in mixes, shopping, learning activities on the computer and cooking. Good job, Tara!

Star of the Week: Sarah
Sarah is singing a duet with Kelly M. in the Christmas Program. They have been working really hard on their special song. Sarah is from Texas and is happy to let everyone know she is a Longhorns fan. Sarah's favorite BrightStone activities are working in mixes, bowling, learning activities on the computer, cooking and playing basketball. way to go, Sarah!
Friday, December 3, 2010

Barbara has had a challenging summer with two surgeries. She has bounced back wonderfully. One of her favorite things to do while at BrightStone is journal on the computer. This is the best way for her to share the happenings in her life with us. She also enjoys working in mixes, typing on the computer, helping cook lunch and grocery shopping.
Jingle Bell Sale is on!
We have been busy here at BrightStone getting ready for our Annual Jingle Bell Sale. Stop by BrightStone (140 Southeast Parkway Court) today or tomorrow to get all kinds of great gifts made by our special adults! Sale is on today from 10 to 6 and Saturday 10 to 3.
Friday, November 19, 2010
A Very Special Turkey Day
Our wonderful, sweet friends and neighbors at APCOM donated over 60 turkeys to BrightStone this week - one for each BrightStone adult and one for each staff member. We kept the gift a secret until the turkeys arrived – everyone was so excited when the surprise was revealed! Thank you, APCOM, for being a great neighbor. We are all so happy with our holiday gift!
See a few photos from the day below, then click here to see an album with even more pictures!

Stars of the Week (11/19)
Stars of the week this week are Katy B. and Mike.
Katy is a busy lady around BrightStone. She does a good job as a quality control inspector for some of our jobs. Katy is also great at cheerleading some of her co-workers to stay on task. Katy says her BrightStone favorites are painting pots, stretching exercises, bowling and learning activities in the learning lab. Good job, Katy!

We have some real country music fans at BrightStone and Mike is one of the biggest. Mike is a people person and really enjoys working with all of his friends at BrightStone. He told us his favorite BrightStone activities are painting pots, going to the library, computer activities and playing basketball. Way to go, Mike!

Friday, November 12, 2010
Stars of the Week (11/12)
Stars of the week this week are Jessica and Barbra C.
Jessica is a very friendly lady with a great smile. Often times when she is complimented she will say, "I am adorable" and she is! She is a great help in the kitchen and is a good shopper. Jessica says her BrightStone favorites are working in mixes, going to the library, playing basketball and saying the prayer before lunch. During her leisure time, she enjoys eating at Red Lobster and playing with her dog, Daisy. Way to go, Jessica!
Barbra is always easygoing and happy. She is a people person and really enjoys being with all other BrightStone family. Barbra does a great job and takes pride in her work. Her favorite BrightStone activities are working in mixes, learning activities on the computer, helping cook lunch, playing kickball and going to the library. During her leisure time she likes to watch Dancing with the Stars and eating at Outback. Good job, Barbra!

Friday, November 5, 2010
Stars of the Week
Stars of the week this week are Allen Jordan and Jennifer Pewitt.
Allen comes in every morning with a huge smile and is very happy to see his BirghtStone friends. He gives all of his work his best effort and is very proud of his accomplishments. While at BrightStone, Allen's favorite activities are working in mixes, shopping, cooking and working puzzles. In his leisure time he enjoys watching The Dukes of Hazard, eating at Red Lobster and listening to his church choir. Way to go, Allen!

Jennifer is a very busy young lady and a people person. She always shows great care and concern for her friends at BrightStone. Jennifer is skilled at all of our jobs and activities, but her favorites are working in the mix room, stretching exercises, learning activities on the computer, shopping and helping cook lunch. In her spare time, she watches Full House, listens to Keith Urban and enjoys going to the Titans games. Good job, Jennifer!

Friday, October 29, 2010
Stars of the Week

Ali has been feeling and doing his best recently. He has even beat Lee in a few arm wrestling matches. One of the jobs he enjoyed this week was working in mixes helping make the chicken noodle soup mix. Maybe he liked it because chicken noodle soup is one of his favorite lunches! Ali told us his favorite BrightStone activities are using the exercise ergometer, painting pots, learning activities on the computer and shopping. Chicken nuggets is his favorite BrightStone lunch. Congratulations, Ali!
When Kelly's name is announced as star of the week she glows with excitement. Kelly has worked hard this week helping count and package our BrightStone Christmas cards. She is a really fast counter. She is always proud of her accomplishments. Kelly's BrightStone favorites include stretching exercises, painting pots, going to the public library and doing worksheets in the learning lab. Pizza is her favorite BrightStone lunch. We are proud of you, Kelly!

Happy Halloween!
Today was a fun-filled day! Lots of BrightStone adults came dressed up, we had snacks galore, and we even got to see a performance by the "Men of BrightStone Quartet". All that, on top of a fun art project and music class, made for an exciting day!
See pictures from the day by clicking here.
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Donald Stinnett, one of our board members who serves as our CFO and Treasurer, was honored today as a finalist at the Nashville Business Journal's CFO Awards luncheon. We nominated him for the nonprofit category. He's certainly a winner to us!
TLC - Teachers Leave Campus

Last week we had a TLC day - Teachers Leave Campus! BrightStone teachers had a fun afternoon getting lunch together and doing a little shopping while Brenda, Lee and the gang held down the fort at BrightStone. Our teachers are some hard-working women; they deserve some TLC!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
BrightStone Coffee Time
This morning we had "BrightStone Coffee Time" - an opportunity for BrightStone families to get together once a month to get the latest BrightStone news and chit-chat with one another. Thanks to the parents and siblings who participate!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Stephanie is a very busy lady who enjoys life. She is a good friend to everyone at BrightStone. Her specialty is cheering people up by making them a card. Stephanie is a great worker and enjoys our variety of activities. Her favorites include working in mixes, learning activities on the computer, helping cook lunch, bowling and kick ball. Stephanie loves her dog names Daisy.
Kate is also a very industrious lady who keeps herself busy. She is very caring and is always seeking out ways to help her BrightStone friends. The activities she enjoys most at BrightStone are working in mixes, shopping, learning activities on the computer, helping serve lunch and playing basketball. Kate is a big sports fan. She cheers for the Titans and for Tennessee.
STARS of the Week
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Happy Birthday, Barbra!
Today we celebrated Barbra C.'s birthday with pizza, salad, and cheesecake with strawberries on top. Barbra's birthday present was actually a present for all of our BrightStone adults: 2 video games! Happy birthday Barbra, we love your sweet smile and we're glad you're here!

Friday, October 15, 2010
STARS of the week
This week's STARS of the week are Brian and Kelly M.
Brian is a pleasant person to have around. He takes pride in his work and always does his best. His favorite BrightStone activities are painting pots, working puzzles, computer activities and exercising. Brian and his family are planning a trip to Disney World soon. He has been bringing his Disney World guide book to BrightStone for several months. He looks at this book daily with great anticipation. Life is always more fun when you have something to look forward to. Have a great time on your vacation, Brian!

Kelly takes any job she is given at BrightStone seriously and always gives her best effort. Kelly really enjoys the variety of jobs and activities that we offer at BrightStone, however, her favorites include glazing ceramics, playing basketball, computer activities and helping cook lunch. Kelly is a bus rider and whoever the current bus driver is becomes her favorite person. She knows they are her connection to her favorite place - BrightStone. Congratulations, Kelly!

Meet BrightStone's newest additions to the family!
We've recently welcomed two new adults to the BrightStone family: last week Don joined us, and this week Chase joined us. We are so glad to have these two gentlemen here!


Friday, October 8, 2010
BrightStone Golf Benefit

This past Tuesday we held our annual Golf Benefit at The Governor's Club. What a beautiful day! Over $52,000 has been raised to date, and fundraising efforts continue through December 1st. Golfers commit to fundraise toward an individual goal of $3000 each, with many using family and friends to help them reach their goal. Many of them also golf in honor of a BrightStone hero, thereby connecting in a much more personal manner. We also held a GolfWalk prior to the Golf Benefit, and had several turn out to enjoy the beautiful course on a crisp, fall morning. All in all---- a great day!
Golf Benefit,

This weeks STARS of the Week are Philip and Kim!
The first thing you notice about Philip is a great smile that radiates pure joy. While at BrightStone he enjoys painting pots, going to the library, stretching exercises at the YMCA and praying before lunch. Philip enjoys swimming and eating out in his leisure time.
Kim never meets a stranger! She enjoys making conversation with all she meets. She has a great sense of humor and is a delight to be around. Kim takes pride in her work and says she enjoys painting pots, bowling, computer activities and serving at lunch.
STARS of the Week
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Justin Performing with the Owl Hollow Bluegrass Band
Yesterday the Owl Hollow Bluegrass Band came to perform at BrightStone. What a treat! Our adults really enjoyed the music. Our very own Justin performed with them for "An Unclouded Day". Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Making Healthy Snacks
Today our nutritionist, Meredith, came back to BrightStone to teach our adults how to make a healthy apple/peanut butter snack. Healthy snacks are great, but they get an extra bonus point or two for being fun to make, like these were!

Monday, October 4, 2010
Spring Hill's Country Ham Festival
We had a great time at Saturday's Country Ham Festival in Spring Hill - families came to our booth to taste our wonderful dips and fudge and check out all the products our students have been working on. It was a beautiful day...thanks to all who came out!

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